Word of the day – nibbles

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Here was my discussion with Ethan last night about puberty.

E: Mom, what is puberty?
Me: mortified, ‘puberty is when your body goes through changes and you go from being a boy to a man.’
E: What happens to your body?
Me: still mortified, ‘well, you grow hair on your chest and your face and other places and your voice changes’
E: What happens to girls?
Me: is this line of questioning ever going to end!? ‘girls get boobies’
E: interrupting, ‘Oh I get it, boys and girls START with just nibbles, then for girls, the nibbles turn to boobies and for boys the nibbles stay nibbles.’
Me: dumbfounded ‘well, yes.’


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One Comment
  1. Momma February 6, 2009 at 3:25 PM Reply

    I like your side-stepping his question. You should have been more specific about the male anatomy.

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