
I’m in the final stages of finishing (is anything really ever finished?) my living room makeover.  The fireplace is the focal point, and I am trying to downplay the huge TV over it.  I have really liked these lamps flanking the TV on the mantel, but the lampshades have not yet come up to speed.  Here is what they looked like before I started futzing with them.

note trusty assistant on left;)

I went back and forth between black and cream lampshades.  They were $17 from Ikea, so it wasn’t like choosing between a Chagall and a Picasso.  I settled on cream because I like the warm glow, but the plainness of them was bugging me.

Ikea cream lamp shades

love the glow

They needed to be dolled up somehow.  I glued some trim on there thinking it was the perfect fix, and then I didn’t like it!  Maybe it was the trim I chose, who knows but they still were not working!

adding trim doesn't always fix matters

So then I thought GLITTER!  A bit of glitter makes anything better, and hadn’t I seen Martha Stewart glitter the inside of a lampshade once?  Yes, here!  Here are the itty bitty teeny tiny sconce covering lampshades that Martha glittered, note the slight variance in size between these and the honking lampshades I was determined to glitter:

from Martha Stewart

So.  Initially I was going to glitter the inside of the black shades with red, I love the warm glow the inside of a lampshade gives off when it is red or pink.  I would love to glitter the insides of the cream ones, but the color of the glitter would show through and I didn’t want big pink lampshades in my living room, although there is nothing wrong with a huge pink lampshade just not the look I was going for in my living room.   So, I got out my big black lampshades and pulled some shades from my glitter color library and the green called out to me, as often green does.;)  And away we went.

gorgeous green and sparkly!

Here are a series of video clips documenting my glitter escapades:

Great Lamp Glitter Project part 1

Great Lampshade Glitter Project part 2

Great Lampshade Glitter Project part 3

Great Lampshade Glitter Project part 4

Great Lampshade Glitter Project part 5 COMPLETED!

The final result:

loves me some glitter

Closeup on the inside of the lampshade:

tinsel glitter for texture

And here is a closeup on the type of glitter I used, tinsel glitter:

from Miss Martha Stewart

Martha knows best

And the final product!  On to the next project!!!  These look so good I am all up in the insides of all of the lampshades in my house trying to resist myself from glittering the whole lot of them.






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  1. Momma June 5, 2012 at 1:37 PM Reply

    These are gorgeous! You are something! This thought would NEVER have occured to me.

    Love, Momma

  2. Holla November 11, 2012 at 10:41 AM Reply

    Did the Mod Podge work better? I am going to get started on this today. It’s raining, I’m bored, why not? Thanks for the great idea!

    • cdmader November 11, 2012 at 4:10 PM Reply

      Yes! Mod Podge worked much better, and cheaper as well. Good luck!

  3. Abi Makes August 5, 2013 at 1:01 AM Reply

    gorgeous! a picture of my attempt is here –
    Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  4. Jackie November 4, 2016 at 3:48 PM Reply

    Hi does the colour glow when lamps are lit, I have black shades and was thinking doing inside silver, will this make lighting brighter thanks.

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