Oh geez, I’m officially not with it.
I am attempting to revive my interior design career and in order to do that these days you need social media. Fine. I have lots of pictures of my work, and all kinds of other nonsense;) But it’s more than pictures. You need to compress those pics. You need to edit those pics. You need to hashtag those pics. Huh? I’ve just stopped calling this symbol: # the pound sign. ‘It’s a hashtag, Mom’ said with the eye rolling tone of a mocking teenager.
I’m fine with posting any and all info about myself on the internet. If you are reading, I’m divulging!;) So I have this old photo of myself when I was a senior in high school, captain of the cheerleaders even though I had no idea what was happening on the football field. But is this pic a Throwback Thursday photo or a Flashback Friday photo? And who comes up with this stuff? And do I need to wait till my kids get home from school to really figure it out before I finish this blog post or do I just throw caution to the wind? The worst thing that can happen is that they will laugh at me. Happens every day already, so here goes.

I thought I had cropped it already, but somehow it ain’t cropped… so next time I will investigate. Lookit those cherub cheeks!;)
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