Classic (1 Column)

When I thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up, short order cook was not on the list. Ballerina, Fireman, Princess, Astronaut, Doctor, Supermodel, these were all interesting choices to me, but short order cook, notsomuch. And even though I strive to be the best Princess I can be EVERY SINGLE DAY, I doubt I...

Or as Ethan says Marthin Lufer King. I try my hardest not to laugh out loud or even dare look my husband’s way or we will both bust up laughing. He has come home all this past week with very interesting Marthin Lufer King factoids. Most of which are just a wee bit off from the actual truf.;) They are reciting a poem in...

Ethan has reached the obsession stage with his boy parts. The kid has his hand in his pants whenever possible. Who knew that obsession started at FIVE! Needless to say we have a few new rules in the house, we must keep our clothes on when company is over, we must keep our clothes on at the dinner table, etc. So the...

2008 has certainly kicked off with a bang.  Just finished the second of two bridal shows yesterday and am I BEAT!  They were amazing shows.  The Ritz Carlton and the Four Seasons, not too shabby.  I had an amazing time and got some great feedback from brides.  It is so great to meet brides face to face to talk...

Scarlett and I get out a lot, we are ladies of leisure, if you can call Costco and Target leisurely places.;) I feed her in various and sundry places, the dressing room at baby Gap, the car, the park, while out to lunch. We are breastfeeding and I try to be discreet throwing a blanket over her head if we are in...